
Concert / Indie & Rock Oum Shatt

Support: Raftside + Shatobajac (DJ Set)
Congés Annulés 
© Photo 1 & 3: Oum Shatt / Photo 2 © Raftside
Congés Annulés 


Six years ago, Oum Shatt released a critically acclaimed debut album. This led to Song of the Year awards from Berlin Radio Eins (“Gold To Straw”) and TAZ Popblog (“Power To The Women Of The Morning Shift”), as well as a BBC featured segment and appearances at SXSW, Transmusicales in France and Electric Picnic in Ireland. 

Now the Berlin-based band – consisting of the singer and songwriter Jonas Poppe, drummer Chris Imler, guitarist Richard Murphy and Rémi Letournelle on bass and synth – return with a second effort that even surpasses their debut. There Oum Shatt combined American surf with Greek Rembetika music, No Wave and oriental influences, here they extend their sound even further.

That doesn’t however mean musical rambling and getting lost in the void, but is purified by the band and brought to the point. Oum Shatt never stop at one reference, but only see it as a starting point to build a world of their own. 

The interlocking, circular single-note guitars, the mantra-like baritone foregrounded by repetitive background choirs and the very individual, wild percussive aesthetics give the album a mystical, at times psychedelic sound. 

The result is a record that, despite its many obscure influences, is entirely original. 


Tocotronic, International Music, Isolation Berlin


RAFTSIDE is the solo project of visual artist and composer Filip Markiewicz. A hybrid mix of songwriting, alternative pop and electronic music, and above all an experimental playground between visual art and music.

By the end of 2021, Filip Markiewicz aka RAFTSIDE released his new album and visual concept Ultrasocial Pop” on Berlin’s label Grzegorzki Records. Inspired by 70’s Krautrock, 80’s new wave and 90’s breakbeat, the songs were recorded on analogue synthesizers in his home studio in Hamburg. The result is a concept album that echoes recent events. RAFTSIDE presented a first performative version of the Ultrasocial Pop” project during the Rencontres Internationales Paris / Berlin at the Louvre Museum in February 2021. Markiewicz also directed and composed recently the soundtrack for his staging of Euro Hamlet” at the Lausitz Festival in 2021 with N.U Unruh (Einstürzende Neubauten) and Lars Neugebauer.

After releasing several albums in the 2000’s, german music magazine Intro described RAFTSIDE as a mix of The Strokes and Kraftwerk”… Over the years Raftside has played numerous showcases and concerts with different musicians, sharing the Festival stages with The Streets, Daft Punk, Cat Power or Metronomy…