
Concert / Electronic Bolis Pupul

Support: Von Kübe + Ralitt (DJ Set)
Congés Annulés 
© Photo 1: Bieke Depoorter (Magnum Photography) / Photo 2 © Von Kübe
Congés Annulés 


It’s no coincidence that Bolis Pupul’s music sounds the way it does. Born in Belgium to a Chinese mother and Belgian father and raised in the super-cool creative city of Ghent, Bolis’ music is a joyous cross-cultural assemblage. Mixing widescreen electronica – think early Mr Fingers-like techno and Yellow Magic Orchestra’s exuberant man-machine minimalism – with the warm-hearted and wonky naivete of Belgian New Beat, Bolis’ singular sonics are at once playful, emotive, unrelenting and tender. 

The real key to unlocking Bolis’ musical secret, however, is that conversation he has between his Eastern and Western roots. It was something he subconsciously touched upon on his first two releases for David and Stephen Dewaele (Soulwax/2manydjs)’s DEEWEE label.


Avalon Emerson, Kelly Lee Owens


Von Kübe is a boomer’s musical attempt at connecting with their German roots. The project conjures up the Ruhr’s industrial atmospheres of the Ruhr and Saarland’s bucolic scents.