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Game Theater Eutopia

Trickster‑p, Lugano (CH)
© Giulia Lenzi

Eutopia explores a different paradigm of doing together”, through a playful and multi-sensory approach. How can we re-construct or deconstruct our doing”? How can we coexist with the plurality of forms present in nature” without denying our being human”?

Combining performance, installation and game design, Eutopia calls into question old biological, ecological and anthropological models to transform the theatre into a big action table. Spectators are invited to a participatory experience whose results, always different, are the outcome of their own individual contributions. Each game will be different since the stories arise from the audience’s actions – an interactive gaming” experience that leads us into the future.

« You go home wondering and being curious to discover what other worlds might have been possible and how much each individual choice has an impact on others. »
— Il Corriere del Ticino, 22.03.22

Konzept und Regie: Cristina Galbiati und Ilija Luginbühl / Künstlerische Mitarbeit: Simona Gonella, Yves Regenass / Mitarbeit Spielentwicklung: Pietro Polsinelli / Klangraum: Zeno Gabaglio / externes Auge: Martina Mutzner / Assistenz und Mitarbeit Konstruktion: Arianna Bianconi / Grafik und Einrichtungsberatung: CCRZ / Fotos und Teaser: Giulia Lenzi / Uraufführung März 2022