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Le catalogue a été publié à l’occasion de
LOOP L’EXPOSITION — 10 ans de création vidéo aux Rotondes
05.07 – 25.08.19
aux Rotondes
With their loop cycle the Rotondes have been hosting uniquely-sized artistic video creations for the past 10 years. Hanging right above the bar, a 200 x 700 cm screen area offers new creative possibilities and high-level exposure to guest artists. Since the launch of the cycle at CarréRotondes in 2008, some twenty videos have been produced that the Rotondes have collected into one giant video installation.Loop l’exposition presented the Rotondes’ growing collection of digital and video works in a new setting, as the loops moved from the Buvette to the Grande Salle. The visitor entered a maze of suspended screens (all respecting the original proportions and perspectives). However, there’s little chance of getting lost as the visitor was free to start and finish with the loop of his/her choice. To remain faithful to the concept s/he could even watch the same loop over and over again..